Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rain

Of course on my day off, it rains.

Ended up not going to Seattle, unfortunately. But better planning next time, it should work out.

So then I had planned on taking Apple out for a walk and do a little one on one work with her since we have had little time together these past couple of weeks. I have been working so much lately I just felt bad. But it's raining so we didn't go out. Gus has been limping today so I am restricting his play time in order to make sure he does not injure himself anymore. Tomorrow he'll go to the vet for inspection. Keep your fingers crossed.

Since it is raining, I have decided to stay indoors and just cuddled with Apple while watching VH1. In-between commercial breaks I would do some target work with Apple to help stimulate her mind a little because rainy days are boring! Especially for Apple because she does not like the rain, she is such a diva.

Although I do have to leave later this evening to quickly do some things at work, before my class starts.

Hope it's not as gloomy for you all.


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